JavaScript — The Effective Language

A guide to understanding the potential of JavaScript

Andressa Araujo
3 min readApr 8, 2021
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

This article aims to elucidate everything about JavaScript, when you should choose JavaScript to build an application or script, explore JavaScript syntax by describing how to solve problems with this powerful programming language.

JavaScript is also recognised as JS is a high-level scripting programming language designed to improve web static pages by making them dynamic and interactable. Like other scripting languages, JavaScript is a just-in-time compiled language, which means the instructions is interpreted instead of being compiled. A high-level programming language is described as simpler, understandable and easier to use language and require an engine to be transformed into computer instructions.

As a multiparadigm language, JavaScript can be used in an imperative way using functions, variables, math operations, loops and conditionals. However, JavaScript can also be object-oriented using resources like objects and properties. At last, but not least JavaScript can be functional by managing pure functions. Another important feature of JavaScript is the weakly typed, which can dynamically define the type of data by the value assigned to them.

The usage of JavaScript has changed a lot. Originally was strictly used on the client-side to handle the Document Object Model DOM that consider stuff like HTMLand CSScode, however, after the Node creation, JavaScript has been used also on the server-side, which means you can use JavaScript to build APIs and to create hybrid mobile apps as well.

JavaScript was successfully accepted and nowadays developer communities and great companies have been supporting a lot of libraries and frameworks based on JavaScript. Some of these frameworks use TypeScript which has differents syntax but is transpiled to JavaScript.

JavaScript support the ECMAScript standard, which is a document that led the general purpose of the languages cross-platform for browsers. Browsers support JavaScript because it is based on a JavaScript engine. That is the reason why nowadays JavaScript is considered an essential part of a web application next to HTMLand CSS.

The developer communities recommend to beginners in software development to learn programming logic using JavaScript because of the easy syntax that includes data structures, conditionals and loops.

Over the years, a lot of tools has been created to make the work with JavaScript easier. Developer communities contribute by creating libraries and frameworks with functions usually used to manipulate web application. These resources are open source, shared and distributed it using package managers like Node Package Manager NPMand versioned on GITto allow developers to improve these libraries by changing the source code. The next chapters are going to describe each concept of the syntax of JavaScript.




Andressa Araujo

I have been working as a full-stack software developer for 5 years. I am committed to solving people’s real problems with creativity.